Category Archives: Red Carpet (Awards)

Red Carpet: Versatile blogger

I am ecstatic! Thanks to Meenakshi of who nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award. She has some amazing photos, the-versatile-blogger-awardespecially of day-to-day life in India, so do check that!

Meanwhile, please refer to the previous Red Carpet post to know 7 things about me (I have listed 10 there, so take your pick)! Forgive me Meenakshi for not going through the entire process, I am still recovering from the last one 😛 Good luck and thank you!

Red Carpet!

sunshine-award-307x307Though you will notice that I have been blogging since April 2013, I actually started taking it seriously just a couple of months ago. And what an experience it has been!

Fellow blogger Annet Bell, who wrote some amazing stories about her time in India in, nominated me for two awards a couple of days back.

I read through the rules (quite excitedly I must confess), and realised I don’t get a trophy or a figurine! Hmmm.. now that’s a bummer, as I spent the first 30 seconds after reading that post thinking of places where I could display it! Stupid Anamika!


Of course, I now realise what a huge confidence booster these two awards are…however virtual they might be. So thank you Annet for thinking of me while nominating! 🙂

Section 1: Directions for you to accept the Sunshine Award and 1-4 for the Inner Peace Award. 

To accept this award, please do the following:

  1. Display the Award on your Blog.
  2. Announce your win with a post and thank the Blogger who awarded you.
  3. Present 10 deserving Bloggers with the Award – “who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.”
  4. Link your nominees in the post and let them know of their award  with a comment.
  5. Write 10 interesting things about yourself.

Ten interesting things about me (I am gonna keep it short):

1. I live in Dehradun (India) and find it too cold.

2. Which is why I can’t stop sneezing.

3. I love cats.

4. I am allergic to cats’ fur 😦 .

5. Which is another reason why I can’t stop sneezing.

6. I love reading books.

7. Cookery, travel and sitcoms are my fav shows.

8. I love maggi noodles (very very popular in India, not with moms though).

9. I can sleep for hours, even if I am not exhausted.

10. I am very very lazy… but you probably got that by point no.9 :).

Section 1a: Directions for you to accept the “Inner Peace” Award + 1-4  above.

The only “rule” for the Inner Peace Award is that you write a short piece on why you are accepting it.  I am giving each of you the choice of one or the other of these awards , or both as you decide. Nominate 3- 10 nominees as  examples of Inner Peace.

To be honest, the reason I am accepting this award is because it is the first one I received since I started blogging, and I would be a fool to not accept it (even if the title has nothing to do with me 😛 ). No seriously, I am anything but at peace inside, and the only thing I can related it with is Kung Fu Panda! 😛

My nominations for the Sunshine Award and Inner Peace Award:

Warning… if you do accept this award, there goes one hour of your time in writing this acceptance post. Pretty much like the never ending thank you speech after Oscars. 🙂 Cheers!